



Welcome everybody, what an incredible year it has been. This time last year, nobody could have foreseen the extraordinary challenges and changes that lay ahead.

The last few months have been especially hectic and it’s been simply amazing and inspiring to watch how well you have all pivoted and adapted to this ‘new normal’. So we wanted to add our own personal message of congratulations to you all.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

All of this year’s Christmas appeals are now in the field, and we know that a lot is riding on them as you try to make up for the loss of funds back in Q2. So, we want to wish you the very best of luck and we hope that the results reflect the huge effort and dedication that goes into organising these appeals.
We are really hopeful that the results this year will be very strong, due to the amount of innovation and imagination that you have put into them.
This year has also made one thing very clear – your donors are extraordinary. Despite the many challenges we have all faced, donors have continued to support their charities in the most passionate and generous way.
Some of the results we have seen to appeals this year have been simply staggering.

More 2020 learnings 

A selection box of great research

As you can imagine, over the past five months there has been a lot of great research conducted. If we wanted, we could have filled an entire book or two.
What we have done instead is chosen to share four key pieces of research which we believe will be most helpful to you as you plan the details of your work in 2021.

Pandemic Fatigue – when will it end?

First up (not in order of any priority) is a great piece from McKinsey on Pandemic Fatigue. It asks the questions that are on all our minds. When will it all end? When will we reach the new normal – what they term the ‘functional end’ of the pandemic? Spoiler Alert: Their guess is Q3 2021.

Are donations rising?

Next up is nfpSynergy’s blog on CAF’s UK Research which shows that fundraised income has risen during the Covid-19 pandemic by £800m in the UK. We believe that Nfp has rightly called this research finding into question.

What are your donors really thinking?

Third is a great piece from Mark Philips at Bluefrog on what donors think now that we are eight months into the pandemic. Mark also recorded a short video summarising the findings. The bottom line is that things are changing fast and donors want their most trusted charitable partners to have their house in order. You need to show how you have planned for the next stage of the pandemic and are ready to deliver services to those in need. Remember that your supporters are counting on you to deliver key services – they don’t want to have to worry about you as well!

The latest consumer research – just in time for Christmas

Next, we believe it is really helpful to keep an eye on any current good consumer research, as here in Ireland current donor research is hard to come by. Want to know what consumers are up to this Christmas and see how it is relevant for your work? Check out Core’s latest research consumer report here.
Lastly, if you want to read some more reports, here are a few from the research selection box:
·      Big Give survey/Salesforce
·      Enthuse Donor Pulse
·      Probono tracker
·      Giving Ireland report

A warm welcome 

We want to end the year by extending a very warm welcome to the clients that have joined us this year – Pieta, Women’s Aid, Mater Foundation, ARC Cancer Support, Irish Youth Foundation, Inclusion Ireland and Kare Services.
We also want to say a special welcome back  to Burren Geoparks and Dogs Trust, who have returned to work with us. We are delighted and proud to be working with you.
We look forward to helping you continue your wonderful work in the new year, and you will be hearing more from us now on a more regular basis from now on.

New Year Plans– we’re here to help

As you turn your thoughts to 2021 and how to continue to navigate your way through this crisis, our team is ready to help with any fundraising advice and expertise you might need. Or if you are trying to frame your post-Covid marketing, we can help you to ensure that all of it is integrated, compelling and effective. Chat with John on 087 266 3168 or email him on

We got a new look– just in time for Christmas

You may have noticed we have given ourselves an early Christmas present by refreshing our brand. We hope our new look and feel reflects the colour, the passion and the flair we try to bring to all your projects.
We love it and hope you do too.
Remember brand and design is one of the key services we supply. So, if you are considering a new brand – or just want to refresh your existing brand, like we did – please give us a call and we’ll chat you through what’s involved.

Thank You

Lastly, we want to thank you all for your trust and incredible hard work over the last year. It has been a real honour and privilege to work for you and with you during this unprecedented time.


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