With a legacy spanning over 180 years, the DSPCA has been at the forefront of animal welfare in Ireland, rescuing, protecting, and advocating for animals in need. Supporting such a well-established organisation required an approach tailored to their unique history and ambitious future. Partnering with the DSPCA, we worked to develop a comprehensive five-year fundraising strategy, providing a clear path for sustainable growth and enhanced impact.

Our approach to strategy development is deeply collaborative. For the DSPCA, this meant working closely with leadership – including the CEO, heads of department,
and the Board of Trustees – while also engaging key stakeholders from the outset. This involvement ensured alignment across the organisation and built momentum for the successful delivery of the strategy. Crucially, we extended this collaboration to include their supporters, conducting in-depth research to understand their views and motivations. By analysing these insights alongside the DSPCA’s unique strengths and opportunities, we crafted a strategy that reflects the organisation’s distinct mission and values. We believe that fundraising strategies should never follow a one-size-fits-all model. Every organisation is unique, with its own challenges, strengths, and vision. For the DSPCA, we tailored our approach to ensure that their fundraising efforts can thrive in a way that aligns with their purpose and potential. By creating a roadmap that emphasises clarity and ambition, we’ve equipped the DSPCA with the tools they need to grow income sustainably and expand their impact in the years to come.

Our partnership with the DSPCA has not ended with strategy development. Building on the success of this work, we were commissioned to create their first-ever Case for
Support – an inspiring document to communicate their mission and engage donors with even greater impact.

We are also producing a new donor impact report, celebrating the DSPCA’s achievements and highlighting how the generosity of the Irish people has been instrumental in their success. Together, these initiatives mark significant steps forward in strengthening the DSPCA’s connection with supporters and ensuring they can continue their vital work in animal welfare for generations to come.

For more information contact

John Sutton

Director and Head of Strategy

Jacqueline Fitzgerald

Strategy, Corporate & Philanthropy Associate